'I, same as the scriptwriter and film director, also always had an idea to make a film about liberation of Lithuania, and our paths met here. And when the right energies come together, beautiful projects are born. I believe that every film naturally has its own path. 'Emilija iš Laisvės alėjos' ('Emilia') also had its own journey to come into a form it is shown now', said film producer Živilė Gallego to hundreds of people who came on Wednesday's evening to the Ozas Park.
The initiator of the 'Summer in the City' project – Realco company – pampered capital residents with various events for the whole summer: from workouts, dog training to picnic on the grass, to encourage spending free time in nature. In the evening of 23 August, commemorating the Black Ribbon Day and the Baltic Chain Day, Vilnius residents were invited to spend this evening meaningfully, by watching D. Ulvydas' directed film 'Emilia' which received huge resonance.
According to the film producer, the film travelled a very long journey from its initial script version. The first script was written six years ago, and its idea was a film about historical figure Emilija Pliaterytė. This idea kept developing and growing until it reached Lithuania of 1972. The line of Emilija Pliaterytė was kept only on the theatre stage in the film.
Asked about the greatest dilemma encountered during this film production, Ms. Gallego confessed that it was a huge responsibility for witnesses of the events. 'We are the generation who did not go through but only heard about this story from our parents and grandparents. But since people who experienced all this and lived at that time were involved in our script and consulted us, therefore we feel more confident that we are telling the real and true story'.
The producer could not disguise her excitement and joy seeing nearly 700 people who came to watch the film in the green city area on such an important day for Lithuania.
'It is very nice to see this film keep travelling. It received the audience of 130 000 people in cinemas, while it was first shown on the 16th of February. In August, it was shown also in the Palace of the Grand Dukes, where it was watched by 800 people. I thought that everyone who wanted had already seen the film. But I was wrong. And it makes me feel very happy. It is the biggest present for creators, when a film keeps travelling and there are still people willing to see it. It means, that the message that the film is good is passed down by word of mouth and people recommend it to others', said Ms. Gallego.
According to the producer, it is one of the dearest films for her, because everyone who worked on it worked with huge love.
'I call it the project of my heart. Because I was carrying it in my heart for a very long time, we were elaborating it for a very long time. It transformed from one project into the other. It is a matter of honour to be in the film which will stay for Lithuania. And we already can see that it is not a one day's film. It is the film which is alive and will be alive after 10 or 50 years'.
For further reading, visit: https://www.15min.lt/gyvenimas/naujiena/laisvalaikis/juodojo-kaspino-ir-baltijos-kelio-diena-ozo-parke-papuose-emilija-is-laisves-alejos-1038-843964?copied